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Friday, November 20, 2009

Pink Boots and Old People

We were in the car this morning on the way to school just chatting about life, like normal. You were commenting on how excited you were to turn three. And then you asked how old I was and I said "I'M OLD!!" And tried to explain what 35 was since I think you can only count to 20 right now. You sat there quietly for a minute, and then you asked quietly, "Are you going to go away?" I of course said "no" and asked why and you responded, "My kitties were old. They died." I felt horrible. You poor thing! You thought for that minute that I was going to die because I told you I was old.

You quickly recovered and moved onto the next topic: farm animals. We passed one of the farms on 75th and you saw the horses and said you wanted to go back to the pumpkin patch. I mentioned that pumpkin season was over, but that we were going to go to a farm soon to buy a Christmas Tree. I proceeded to try to explain what Christmas was, but you didn't really follow me at all until I mentioned PRESENTS! So I asked you if there was something in particular you thought you might want for Christmas this year, and without hesitation you answered, "Pink boots."

Ok then. Pink boots it is.


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