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Friday, January 15, 2010


So you have this thing with lip stuff. Be it Cherry Chapstick, Burt's Bees lip salve or my $20 tube of gloss. You love it. And you are a bit OCD about it. One time, on the way to school, I gave you my lip gloss (because I caved. There - I said it.) And when we got to school you had a Krusty the Klown smile of raspberry scented lip gloss from the tip of your chin up to your nostrils. I let you walk into school like that.....but I digress.

You also have a habit of losing said lip stuff. There is no telling just how many lip balms and lip glosses and chap sticks there are rotting away silently at the bottom of some box you cannot live without (and have stashed in the playroom or your closet, or that corner of the garage where daddy keeps your bikes). In fact, I'm certain that one day we're going to find Jimmy Hoffa at the bottom of one of these boxes. And his lips are going to be very moisturized.