I know I have mentioned this before, but you are the best big sister EVER! Man oh man how you love your little sister - and in case you don't know this yet, you are quite possibly her favorite person the planet. For starters, you can't stand it when she's upset. You do everything you can to help her: give her your toys (even Peef!), ask us if she needs a snack - you name it. But you also have learned that sometimes Berit just gets "fussy" as you say. One of the funniest things you've picked up on from us - after all other things have been tried - is to just ignore her/listen to her complain (which in all honesty doesn't last very long). For example: the other day we were in the car on the way home from school and Berit was just annoyed that she was stuck in her seat. She throws her toy on the floor and instantly starts yelling because she isn't holding it anymore - this is a common occurrence. You looked at her, and in a very calm voice say, "That was your choice Berit." I almost died. It was hysterical. And of course I couldn't laugh.....
Along with this increased level of big-sister'ness has come your ability to be our little helper. It is so wonderful! You help put the dishes away, you help put your laundry away, you pick up your toys, and you LOVE to help your daddy outside! This past weekend we bought some plants and shrubs, and daddy decided he wanted to build out the garden boxes. You spent hours with him in the yard helping to hold spikes in place, use your little shovel to help dig dirt, and generally just entertain him while he worked. You've always enjoyed working outside with him - even back when you could barely walk. It's something he cherishes and I know he has his sights set on your taking over some of these responsibilities one day..... :-)
You've been asking about getting a puppy lately. I am not totally sure where this comes from - probably school. I know you're learning about pets this week - but it started before this. Daddy and I have decided that Berit has to AT LEAST be in Kindergarten before we'll even consider it. We would love a dog, but wow - I just don't know how people do it with little ones around..... Anyway - because this is pet week at school, Katie is taking you guys to PetSmart on a little field trip today. I suppose in an effort to educate on all sorts of different animals people have as pets. She mentioned being excited about the hermit crabs.... So help me GAWD if you come home with a gerbil.
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