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Monday, May 24, 2010

And we were worried you'd never talk....

So this hasn't been your best few weeks. You've had A LOT of trouble sleeping and that, in turn, has made you a bit....fussy. But since you are also a very verbal child you have a way with words when describing what's bothering you.

Last night you woke up - for the 2nd time in 3 hours - and I went downstairs to see what was wrong, comfort you, and ultimately fall asleep in your bed (this has become my routine lately - it goes against all pediatricians' and child psychologists' advice, but they aren't awake at 3 a.m. for the 2nd time in one night). (Oh - and did I mention I had the stomach flu last night? I just wanted to make sure you know how much I love you. So much so that I would rather come comfort you in your distress than try to rest and feel better myself). Ok - on with the story: so I got to your room, crawled into your bed, and asked you what was wrong. Usually you say you had a bad dream, or you were scared. But not last night. Last night your response was - through sobs - "I am having a rough night." I couldn't have explained it better myself. And I'm not 3.

Usually the morning that follows these "rough nights" is a slow-moving, pouty little Hads. And lately when we ask you why you're so slow and pouty, you respond "I woke up on the wrong bed." Clearly paraphrasing something you've heard us say - but how funny if we took you literally.....


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