Parents of young children (and old, I suppose) take great pride in finding similarities between themselves and their babes. You, my dear, are almost a carbon copy of me. At least for the most part. Right down to your analytical side, weighing your options, very rarely the first to jump into any situation. I am the same way. Take swimming for example: you are never the first to jump off the wall or attempt to swim by yourself, but as soon as you see someone else give it a try, you go for it! And once you see that you can do it, your confidence soars and you charge full steam ahead.
A funny example of your "wait and see" side showed up the other night. We were downtown walking around after dinner. A street musician was playing his guitar and singing, and it was really fun. Berit immediately kicked off her flip flops and started dancing in the middle of the mall. You, on the other hand, weren't so sure. You sat down on the bench with daddy and decided your time was better spent at that moment feeding Tabitha (your baby). After about 3 minutes, however, you realized how much fun your sister was having and you jumped right in.
It was a great night.
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