WHOA! How is it September already? What a slacker mom I am - I haven't updated this since JUNE! Some big things happened this summer....let's see what I can remember:
1) YOU'RE SLEEPING! That reward's chart I mention in the last update? It worked wonders! After about 2 weeks you had it down. After every 3 days of sleeping through the night, we rewarded you with chocolate that you could eat before school! We actually don't even do it anymore it worked so well. The piece that is key to getting you to sleep through the night/not cry when you wake up in the middle of the night is to ensure we don't fall asleep with you when we put you to bed. You would think this is not a big deal. Except you smell so good, your bed is so warm, it's dark and the sound machine is on. IT'S NEAR IMPOSSIBLE! So we created the "check system" - we read our stories and snuggle just like normal, then we leave to let you "practice sleeping with your eyes closed" and come back in about 3 minutes. We repeat this until you fall asleep (and you need to fall asleep when we're not in the room).
2) You turned 3 1/2 in August! This was very exciting for you, as it meant you were just that much closer to 4. Which apparently is a really big deal for you.
3) You moved up to Pre-School 2 and now have Miss Jessica as your teacher! This was great because it coincided with the school year start and your entire class moved with you. This way you get to spend the entire year in her room and benefit from her curriculum with no interruption. One of the things that Jessica uses is ZooPhonics for reading development. I know nothing about this, so I purchased the home version for us to use together! I am excited to dive in and learn this with you. You are so smart - my goal is to have you be a proficient reader by the time you enter Kindergarten. Knowing you this is going to be a non-issue.
4) This has been a really fun summer for Grandparent visits! It started at the end of July - mommy and daddy went to Telluride to celebrate our anniversary so Nana and Papa came out to visit. The week after, we both had to go to Salt Lake City for work so Grandma and Andpa came out to visit (can I just tell you what chaos this presented to your sister and her sleep schedule? We're still working through it 2 months later!) And then a few weeks later Gramps, Grammy and Uncle C came out for a quick weekend and we spent it at the pool at their hotel! So much fun. You got to show off your swimming skills to Gramps (who you were attached to for basically 2 days) - and at one point you even jumped into the pool by yourself while you were both standing on the edge! Gramps jumped in after you - because, you see, YOU CAN'T SWIM! At least not by yourself. Alas, you were just fine.
5) We just returned from our annual trip back to Minnesota. We were there for 2 weeks. It was a grand adventure for you and your sister. We spent the first 4 days at Taylor Lake. This was your first trip there. The weather was cool and wet, but that didn't stop you and daddy from spending TONS of time in the woods. You called it your "forest adventure." Your sister couldn't join you on most of it since she can't really walk by herself over fallen trees and she would haven eaten every wild mushroom in site - so she and I spent most of the time back at the cabin. I think the next trip up there will be a lot of fun for the two of you to have adventures together. While at the cabin, you also got to spend time with your cousins for the firs time! Sophie, Josephine, Aunt Sonja and Uncle Matt came with us. It was a lot of fun. You and Sophie hit it off immediately! In fact, when they arrived at Grandma and Andpa's house before we left for the cabin, you gave her a hug right away and the two of you disappeared into the house holding hands. Aside from a temper-tantrum here and there (hers - not yours!) you guys had a great time together which was the main goal of the weekend together.
The other grand adventure of the week in Minnesota was Aunt Erika's wedding. You were the Flower Girl. It was spectacular! You did such a great job. I, on the other hand, required a box of kleenex in order to get through it. You were such a beautiful addition to the ceremony and everyone commented on how fabulous you were - they couldn't believe you were only 3! You had to walk down the aisle all by yourself in that huge church. And you did it with such grace and a big smile. I can't wait to see the photographer's photos! (As I mentioned, I was a blubbering mess and therefore didn't take any pictures.)
I am anxious to start the fall - it is one of my favorite times of the year. I love starting new routines and new activities, and you and your sister make every day such a fabulous adventure!
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