So your Ba had this CRAZY dream about you the other night. I won't be able to do it justice here - just know that when she told me, I was crying from laughing so hard.
Here it goes:
You, Ba and Mommy all went out for dinner. We went to some sort of pub restaurant with booths. It was apparently located in the center of a wild animal sanctuary (logical, don't you think?) In walks a giraffe. Yes - a giraffe. No one batted an eye as it sat down in the booth behind us, apparently waiting to be served.
You thought it needed a little love, so you scooted down out of our booth onto the floor and started rubbing its hooves. This relaxed the giraffe so much it fell asleep. Nice Job! Anyway - the giraffe's long neck flopped sideways over the side of booth and hit a woman on the top of the head. She took none-too-kindly to this and created quite a scene, screaming and waving her arms. This really made the giraffe mad and he started terrorizing the restaurant. So Ba grabbed you and started running - I guess I was nowhere to be found (nice mommy!). She had to run through swimming pools and gardens just to find safety. But she was worried she couldn't find me. All of sudden she heard your daddy's voice screaming "Rebecca Louise! Rebecca Louise!"
And she woke up.
I am sure Freud would have a few choice words for your aunt, but here is my analysis:
1) You love giraffes. You do. Whenever we ask what kind of animal you would like to be, you say "Giraffe" and then stretch your neck out and rub it. It's hysterical.
2) You are so sweet and loving. The fact that you rubbed the giraffe's feet is no surprise - you are always rubbing our backs or your sister's head.
3) She is incredibly protective of you. It is no surprise to me at all that in this dream I abandoned the both of you and she was left defending her little Hads. I don't think she could love her own children any more than she loves you and Berit.
You are one lucky little lady.
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