You're two and a half!!! I can't believe it. We just spent 10 days in Minnesota for our annual visit. We spent 4 days in Minneapolis at Grandma and Andpa's - and we got Berit baptized while we were there so you got to see all the Ronalds and Larsons that live there. It was fun. During the ceremony you reached over and grabbed your sister's hand and held it....you could hear everyone in the crowd sigh. You are so precious. And then we drove up to Cromwell to see Nana and Papa. And there were still some Kearneys there for Summer Camp, so you got even more family time!
The most valuable visits you made, however, were with your great grandparents. You got to spend some very special time with your Grampy and your Nonny. And they just ate you up. Neither one of them could believe how much you talk!! And talk, and talk and talk.....your vocab EXPLODED this visit. It always amazes me how your language takes off when we leave home. Not only did you start using new words, but the way you put them in a sentence now is just wonderful. You are so bright.
You have also figured out how to "lie." Or maybe just exaggerate the truth? You have started saying things like "mommy told me to..." or "daddy asked me to...". Usually it is something like you saying to daddy "mommy told me to have a popsicle." Except you haven't mastered the art of waiting until the other person is out of the room! It's pretty funny.
You have decided that we are no longer allowed to brush your hair in the morning. This causes me great grief. You have exceptional hair. Hair other women comment on ALL THE TIME. And yet, I almost always have to throw it in a bun (if you let me get near you with a hair tie) or die a small death when I have to let you go to school with a rat's nest hanging down. I really really really hope this is a short phase. I can't bear the thought of cutting your hair!
Your overall appearance has really changed in the last 6 months, too. You lost a lot of the baby chub, and your face is very defined now. I know I always say this, but you are exceptionally beautiful. It kind of freaks me out sometimes. Your poor father....
I love you baby. I can't even believe I have a 2 1/2 year old! You continue to amaze me everyday. And only drive me crazy a little.... :-)
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