Well, it's official. You're a BIG SISTER! And what a big sister you are. Berit Louise was born on 4.14.09. As you can see, that was a month ago. Sorry for the delay in updating this blog but we've all been a bit busy trying to adjust!
You love your baby sister. In fact, it was love at first site. You came to visit us at the hospital the day after Berit was born and you immediately wanted to hold her. Once you had her in your lap you were all smiles and kept kissing her little face. It made me cry! I was so happy to have both my girls together.
Before I got pregnant with Berit I was convinced that I could never love another child as much as I love you. Logically I knew this wasn't true, but I was almost afraid to get pregnant because I didn't want to take away anything from my baby girl. Everyone who had two kids told me my love would grow exponentially and my heart would just expand to love both children. But I never knew - or expected - that once I had you both in my arms not only would my heart expand to love your baby sister, but my heart expanded to love you even more than I did before. You are spectacular and I love you so much. Thank you.
In the last few weeks you have grown up so much! I don't know if it is because of your new role, or just because you are hitting your developmental milestones, but it is so much fun to watch! Your vocab is especially fun. Here are a few highlights:
1) "What doon mommy?" This is my favorite question. You are so curious and you always want to know what we're doing. Whether it's folding laundry or nursing Berit.
2) "The curious case of the missing 6 & 7." You love to count. In fact, you love to count so much you count everything! Trees, cars on the road, your own fingers. It's wonderful. You've mastered 1-5. But things get a bit confusing after that. For some reason, you've decided numbers 6 & 7 don't exist. You skip right over them and go straight to 8!
3) "Time-outs for bad stuffed animals." You rarely seem to express jealousy over one of us holding Berit, but you certainly don't like it when daddy pays special attention to one of your stuffed animals. Two in particular: Mommy Fly and Masher (these are your little Ugly Dolls - both of which came with their own names, but you chose your own for them instead. Why Mommy Fly & Masher? We have no idea, but we went with it). When daddy holds these little guys during story time, or carries them around in his shirt pocket to be funny, you don't like it at all. But instead of getting mad at daddy, you punish the toys! You give them time-outs, forcing them to sit ont he floor and face the wall!
4) "Mommy is a chair-bubble." I know you love me. I don't question it at all, even when I am usually the one you get mad at for no reason, the one who witnesses the most tantrums over picking the wrong shirt for school. These things don't really upset me. But I have to say, being called a "chair bubble" was a bit....disconcerting! We were celebrating Aunt Ba's birthday a few weeks ago and we went around the table choosing which animal we each were. You decided you were a puppy. And you made daddy a giraffe and Aunt Ba a turtle. Me? You decided I was a chair bubble. Yep. A fart. And you were dead serious about it.
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