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Wednesday, February 18, 2009


You're language develops exponentially everyday. You're a total sponge for everything you hear. At the end of the day - when we're all at home after work and school - you chitter chatter through the last hours of the day and we start to realize how many words you really know.

Two of the most distinct developments happened in the last week - and I think it was gradual since I can't pinpoint exactly when it happened.

#1: When asked a question, you start your response with "um." This is hysterical, as "um" is clearly not a word, rather a response when you are stuck without an answer. It's very funny to hear you say it.

#2: This one is bittersweet. I've somehow morphed into Mommy. No longer Mama. (You also started calling Dada "Daddy" but I don't care as much about that!). I know this means you are growing up, and I am so proud that you are. But there is such a sweet innocence about the way you called me Mama that it makes my heart ache.

You can call me Mommy all you want. But I will always be your Mama.


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