Well look at that....I completely skipped Twenty Two Months.
A lot sure has happened in the last two months!! Your vocab shot through the roof! We took a trip out to San Diego to visit Gramps, Grammy and Uncle C Bones for Thanksgiving and that's when we first started to notice all the new words. And it just grew from there. My favorites? "Ma Poon!" (translation: my spoon - a very important item to you right now)' "lalellow" (translation: yellow); and "lahve lu" (translation: I love you) You even said the last one without being prompted to Ba the other day. I almost died.
We started potty-training you last weekend. It was.....interesting. We had to put our plans on hold, however, as the Tod 1 classroom doesn't have a toilet, and therefore our efforts weren't being reinforced at school. You're moving up to the Tod 2 rooms in two weeks, so we'll start up again. But you spent the last weekend running around in your Elmo underwear (you love Elmo so much it's hysterical), leg warmers, fleece slippers and a t-shirt. It's a look for the runways, for sure. I hope I took a picture..... Anyway, your Uncle Dero (which you've started pronouncing Diwi) and Aunt Mags came over. I thought for sure you'd end up peeing on one of them, but you didn't. You did, however, poop all over yourself and your bedroom carpet which you didn't care for. Me either - daddy was out on a ride and I was all by myself trying not to get poop on me or the walls! It still smells like poop in your room. Thank God we're getting new carpet soon.
You've also become more interested and affectionate with your soon-to-be-baby sister. You kiss my belly, and smile whenever we mention her name. Which, incidentally, is Berit. We haven't decided on a middle name yet, so we'll see what happens there.
You're so precious, baby girl. I treasure everyday. Even the crabby difficult ones (they're more frequent these days). Because you know what? I am completely in love with you. And at the end of the day, I am so proud to be your mama. You are a complete and total gift.
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