You'll notice I am a few days late.... with good reason. We were on vacation last week when you turned 17 months old! We were in Minnesota visiting Grandma and Andpa, and Nana and Papa. You had so much fun. It was an interesting week for us all as a family, as it has been a while since we had all been together 24-7. Needless to say, by the end of the 10 day trip I think all three of us needed a break from each other.
You didn't sleep so well - I think that might have been the issue. We all had to sleep in the same room at Nana's house, and you would wake up every night at 3:00 a.m., realize we were sleeping right next to you, and want to play. So every night we were up together (OK - let's get real: you and I were up together) from 3:00 to 5:00 a.m. It was great to earn all those points in the snuggling department, but you're somewhat of a restless sleeper.
Your vocabulary EXPLODED while we were away. You learned to say "Daisy" (Nana and Papa's dog), "Nana", "toast" and one other word I can't remember..... oh. Right. You learned "Oh Shit." We'll leave it at that for now.
17 months seems have brought a little terrible-twos precurser, as well. You're a little too into hurting your daddy and me. Punching, hitting, kicking, biting - these are all part of your reperatoire. So is the "Time Out" corner. I am not really sure you grasp the concept of a time-out, but since neither of us really know how to punish you for hurting us, this seems to be the best solution. It's actually kind of funny - you just sit there with your hands in your lap, sometimes you play with your feet, but really you just sit and stare at the wall until we tell you it's OK to get up.
I am thrilled and excited about how fast you're growing up. And yet all I want to do is put you in a little jar to keep you where you are. Every new phase brings such great rewards, and yet I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little sad to see my baby grow up. You are such a precious gift. Biting and all.
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