You'll note by the date that this is a bit late this month. I apologize. Our internet was out at home this weekend so I didn't get to write you my letter on your actual birthday. Somehow I doubt you will care years from now as you read this...
It's been a crazy month. You are well adjusted in your new room at school, with a few exceptions:
Exception #1: since you spend a majority of your day outside in the sandbox, you have developed a lovely rash on your bottom from the CRAPLOAD OF SAND that accumulates in your diaper. Did I mention the CRAPLOAD OF SAND that comes home with you everyday? I think I washed your sheet 5 times last week alone. Anyway - it doesn't seem to be going anywhere, so I am taking you to see Dr. Cohen this afternoon to see what he thinks we should do about it.
Exception #2: you have a frenemy at school. And it happens to be the daughter of a mother I don't like very much. I wonder if they're connected in some way? Maybe I've secretly put my feelings for this mother on you, and in turn she lashes out? To make a long story short, this lovely little girl seems to think you taste good. So she bites you. A lot. Your daddy and I were very worried about this, as your behavior seemed to change last week when you received YOUR THIRD BITE IN TWO WEEKS!! You became very afraid of getting hurt. And you repeatedly showed us your arm where she bit you. I was all ready to pull you out of school, as any normal over-reactive parent would do, when I received a call from Andrea (the director of your school). She assured me that this is not affecting your behavior at school, and other than getting pissed when she bites you, you seem totally unaffected. And she giggled when I told her about you showing us your arm and pouting. She said you have us wrapped around your finger......
Summer is in full swing. You absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE to be outside. You've learned to drink from the hose, run through the sprinkler, eat watermelon slices and bend over to smell the flowers in our front yard. Oh - and this weekend we took you to Boulder Res to build sandcastles and play in the water. YOU LOVED IT!!! I think we'll spend lots of time there in the coming months.
I know I say this a lot, but I really do have so much fun being your mama. You are such a good baby - so full of life and love. I couldn't ask for anything more. Just thinking about you now makes me swell with pride. Thank you so much for choosing me.
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