My sweet Hadley P -
today is your 1st birthday. I am waiting for you to wake up so I can sing you your first "Happy Birthday" song. Nanna and Poppa are flying in today so they can spend this special weekend with you, and we have a fun party planned for Saturday with lots of fun people - including your godfather, David - who is coming in from Chicago! What a special girl you must be to have this many people want to be with you on your big day.
I am amazed at how fast this year has gone. I remember the day you were born so clearly. You came into the world so calm, so quiet - and you have stayed my precious, sweet, calm little girl. I am so excited to see what this next year brings us. Everyday you amaze me with what you learn and how you grow. I am so proud to be your mama.
Happy birthday, precious girl.
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