I'm a day late. So sorry. I'll get into that later....
But HAPPY 4TH BIRTHDAY my sweet angel. I can't believe that 4 years ago I became a mama. You make my life so bright, and my days so unbelievably wonderful. Every day I get more and more glimpses as to what kind of person you are going to become.
You continue to amaze me with your generosity - especially when it comes to your baby sister. She wants to be wherever you are, do whatever you're doing, wear whatever you're wearing ALL THE TIME! And most of the time you have incredible patience with her. You love her so much and it makes me so happy. The ups far outweigh the downs. I couldn't be more proud of who you are as a sister. And it's not just me who notices. Almost everyone who sees you interact with Berit comments on how gentle you are with her, how giving, how forgiving, because she can be an outright turd. (Shhhhh....don't tell her I said that!) You're never harsh with her. Never. And we rarely have to ask you to share your things with her because you readily want to show her everything. This has to be the most beautiful thing about having a family, seeing my children interact and laugh with each other. Yes, the laughing the two of you do together is second only to watching you lead her by the hand into the playroom. Daddy thinks I am Berit's favorite person in the world, but I'm going to share a secret with you: Berit may call out for me when she's scared or has an OWWWIEEEE, but she squeals when she sees you climb up those stairs in the morning. She runs to be by your side. She imitates your every move. I think you are Berit's hero. As your mother I am blessed to be able to witness this. Thank you for being such an amazing older sister.
You struggle with wanting so desperately to be independent and yet still needing us. We struggle with it too. We want for you to be able to do certain things on your own (like fall asleep!) and get frustrated when you won't. But we also love it when you need a hug to "put you back together" when you're feeling low, or that sometimes you just need to hold our hand as we watch tv. It's those moments I try to breathe in and just hold there.
The other weekend Daddy was gone, and you had a rough night. I knew Berit was sick and would also probably wake up at some point, so I offered the rare opportunity for you to come sleep in our bed. You crawled in under the covers, and even though we have a huge king bed, you snuggled right up against me. I just smelled your hair, and listened to you breathe and absorbed every ounce of it. Even though I knew I wouldn't get much sleep, I didn't mind - it was exactly where I wanted to be at that moment.
Daddy is going to leave for China again in a few weeks. I always dread this trip. It's a long time for him to be away from us. I know I am going to count on you to help more this time - and I know you are going to rise to the challenge. You are my Hadley, and I can't wait to see what this next year brings us.