Daddy called me on the way to work this morning (I went to the gym early, so he stayed with you guys and got you ready for school). He said “I have to tell you something.” Which made me a little nervous – he sounded to so serious! But what he said was the cutest thing I’ve ever heard.
Apparently you and Berit were sitting on the floor playing while he was making breakfast. You picked up “Moo Baa La La La” (a recent favorite of your sister’s). Berit saw this as an invitation, apparently, because she sat down in your lap. You proceeded to read the book to her – word for word. Daddy was very impressed.
And then you went and got even cuter: you taught her how to sing Baa Baa Black Sheep. I wish I had been there.
You’re the sweetest big sister she could have ask for. And she loves you probably more than any other person on this planet. Remember that when you want nothing to do with her in a few years….. :-)