Inching ever closer to three.....
The major milestones are no longer looming over your head. You have reached and passed them with ease. The latest? You are now 100% certifiably potty trained. NO MORE DIAPERS!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you sense I'm excited about that? I think you were ready to ditch the bedtime diaper a long time ago. It was daddy and me that kept you in them. We weren't ready for the bed-wetting phase of life, especially since your sister was going through her "I've reached 6 months and I am going to completely screw with my sleep schedule" thing. But one night about 3 weeks ago you said you didn't want to wear a diaper to bed, and that was it. And no accidents so far!! Way to go, baby.
I asked you to entertain your sister the other day while I went potty. You were both hanging out on the floor in Berit's room. Without any prompting you sang her the ABC's - and you did it all by yourself! You were so proud. I almost cried.
Another big and exciting thing this month was the arrival of Bodhi Ray DeRoma on November 25, 2009. You haven't met him yet - he is only two weeks old. But you are so anxious to meet him! He is precious and I think all 3 of you are going to be lifelong friends.
So you are going to have a fun few weeks ahead of you. Grammy is coming tomorrow for one night to see you and Berit, Nana comes Monday to stay with us for a week and Grandma comes on Christmas day to stay with us for a week. And then Grammy comes back after New Year's with Gramps and Uncle C! How much fun. You are going to be so spoiled.