Wow - almost two and a half kiddo! This summer is flying by. Last week Nana was here, and this week Andpa and Grandma are here. You are having so much fun! You are so amazing with your grandparents - so loving and silly. Just what they want from you.
You continue to develop and amaze me everyday. You are so independent! I love that I can ask you to go downstairs to your room to get something and you can do it all by yourself.
One of your latest phrases is to yell "OK!" when someone tells you to do something or tells you the definition of something. You say it with such enthusiasm it makes me giggle everytime. And the singing! You learned so many songs this year in music class at school - we have so much singing in the car, before bed, while changing Berit. You are so serious about your little hand movements that go with each song it's all I can do to keep from laughing.
You discovered the joy and excitement of water this summer. They have lots of "water play" at school where you get to wear a bathing suit and run through sprinklers. In fact at your recent parent/teacher conference they said you are the first to run through the sprinkler everytime - screaming and laughing. So we bought something similar for our backyard and you LOVE to run through it after school. Preferably naked. It's hysterical. You are slowly becoming a tiny version of me, and when I see you running naked through the yard I envision all those naked photos Gramps took of me. Pretty funny. I can't wait to see you in the lake at Nana and Papa's in a few weeks. I think it's time for swimming lessons.